What is Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT)?
- Employees are taxed on benefits that they receive as a result of their employment.
The 4 main groups of Fringe Benefit Tax:
- Motor Vehicles.
- Low-interest loans.
- Goods and services that are either free, subsidised or discounted.
- Employer contributions ie sick, accident or death benefit funds, superannuation schemes and specific insurance policies.
Are there other Fringe Benefits that may also be taxable?
- Gifts, prizes and other goods may also fall into FBT – private entertainment or telecommunications paid for by the employer may be liable.
When is Fringe Benefit Tax paid?
- It is usually paid quarterly.
- Some employers may be able to elect to pay on an annual basis.
How is Fringe Benefit Tax applied?
- Please refer to the IRD website for calculations.
Open link
For more information on whether FBT is payable and how it is calculated please call us on 09 373 4544 or visit https://www.ird.govt.nz/employing-staff/paying-staff/fringe-benefit-tax

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